The shocking death of a 17yr old who committed suicide in Derby a number of days ago has really unnerved me. (See for details.) How can people be so callous as to actually record someone jumping to their death and to actually shout taunts like"Get on with it"? This proves once more the words of Jeremiah that the human heart is "desperately wicked and deceitful above all things, who can know it [i.e. who can fully perceive its perversity or fathom the depth of its wickedness]? Having suffered from depression and felt on the brink of despair, I am so glad that God in His grace pulled me back from the measures taken by this young man and thank Him that He put people round me who loved me enough to set me on the road to recovery. We as Christians really need to be praying that God would give us discernment in regard to those we come across to know if they are feeling like this and this incident convinces me more that we need to be using the schoolmaster of the law with the unsaved to bring them to God. If they do not know the corruption of their hearts, they will not see the root cause for their need for Christ. It is frightening to see what a man given over to his sin can do as this incident shows and must make us thankful that He saved us and brought us back from reaching these levels.
Buddy Moss - The Essential
provechando la inercia del anterior post, hoy voy a presentarles un
recopilatorio de unos de los máximos y y mejores exponentes del Piedmont
Blues, o Bl...
8 years ago