Monday, 9 February 2009

The wonder of fellowship

I have the enormous privilege to come from a family in which I am part of at least the fifth generation of Christians. God has been very gracious to bless both sides of my family with godly men and women including a founder of a Sunday School and a missionary to India. Among these godly relatives I am very pleased to count my dear maternal grandmother. Although she never opened a Bible school, never wrote a book, never went overseas on missions or anything quite as grand I count her as one of the godliest people I know because of her love of the Bible and her very committed prayerfulness. Her example, her desire to be more like Jesus, her love and support and fellowship have always been a great blessing to me. This has been even more appreciated since I moved to Spain. Last Friday night (6th February) she was on the phone and quoted Luke 24v15 which says:

"And it came to pass, that, while they communed together and reasoned, Jesus himself drew near, and went with them." (KJV)

You will note I quote the verse in the KJV. I am not one of these people who is adamant about reading the King James Version. I am somewhat dubious about Christians singing the merits of a version which carries the name of a monarch known for his loose morals, his negative view of Presbyterianism and staunch resistance of the reforms of the Anglican Church the Puritans wished to implement. Having studied English Literature, however, I can appreciate the beauty of the language used, especially with the Psalms. I also feel that this is one instance in which it conveys something very personal which the other versions do not quite express.

The verse comes from the account of the two believers walking along the road to Emmaus. The verse says that they were communing and reasoning together. In modern day language they were having fellowship. They were talking about their faith in Jesus. They were at a very low ebb. They thought all was lost. But look what happened. Jesus drew near and went with them. Other versions say that "He walked with them." Jesus could have sent an angel to comfort them or another one of the disciples. But he HIMSELF drew near. Oh! What encouragement to know that when we talk about Christ together, even if we are struggling and maybe despairing that He draws in in the person of the Comforter, (His Holy Spirit) and walks alongside us.

It was totally Providential (N.B. any Christian who uses the word coincidence take note, there is no such thing! Read The Mystery of Providence by John Flavel published by Banner of Truth) that Granny should mention this verse because Jeff Lucas had recently been focussing on this incident in his Lucas On Life (published by CWR). He was focussing on how Jesus did very ordinary things after the resurrection. He said "...the nature of faith [is that] God walks with us through the mundane bits of life." He also draws attention to the fact that Jesus goes with them even though they were going the wrong way and about seven miles the wrong way into the bargain! They should have been waiting for Him in Jerusalem but instead they were heading in the opposite direction. Jesus' patience and grace is here underscored. He not only meets them up close and personal but He goes along with them and teaches them. This speaks to me of God's Providence and how sometimes He sovereignly lets us go the wrong way so we can learn from the experience.

Finally, I looked at what my esteemed brother Matthew Henry had to share on this. He exhorts us to follow their example and when in the company of other believers to share about our experiences of Christ. In his typically poignant manner he says, "It well becomes (i.e. it is very appropriate for/it is fitting for) the disciples of Christ, when they are together, to talk of his death and resurrection; thus they may improve (make the best of) one another's knowledge, refresh one another's memory, and stir up one another's devout affections.(love for Christ)"

He goes on to say "We may observe it, for our encouragement to keep up Christian conference and edifying discourse (i.e discussion and conversation) among us, that where but two together are well employed in work of that kind Christ will come to them, and make a third. When they that fear the Lord speak one to another the Lord hearkens and hears, and is with them of a truth; so that two thus twisted in faith and love become a threefold cord, not easily broken, Ecclesiastes 4:12. They in their communings and reasonings together were searching for Christ, comparing notes concerning him, that they might come to more knowledge of him; and now Christ comes to them. Note, They who seek Christ shall find him: he will manifest himself to those that enquire after him, and give knowledge to those who use the helps for knowledge which they have." (Matthew Henry's Commentary)

Never ever devalue Christian fellowship and from now on you have no excuse for not realising that when you share with another believer, Christ is with you both, walking beside you. Hold on to that thought and may it stir you on to encourage someone today.

