I have just been on John Piper's blog where he commends President Obama's speech on education.
I have to say I agree with J.P.'s assessment of the speech as excellent.
I have been involved in teaching and have had parents make me feel responsible for the failure of students who had a lax attitude to study. To therefore have the president of the U.S.A. come out and encourage the young people of his nation to fulfil their role in their education was very gratifying.
He referred to parents not letting their kids spend all day in front of the T.V. or the Xbox (the sad irony is that such parents are the ones most apt to complain of their child's failure) but also encouraged kids to "show up to...schools; pay attention to...teachers; listen to your parents, grandparents and other adults; and put in the hard work it takes to succeed."
It is about time someone in authority gave children and parents a good shake like this. We have weak parenting nowadays where parents let their children do whatever they like and pamper to their every whim. We have parents who spend scandalous amounts of money on Christmas presents for their children that are not even wanted never mind needed and just get thrown in the corner. We have parents who would rather have their kids come with them to bingo for company rather than go to school because school is too hard for their precious little diddums. How do I know this? I have met such parents.
People today are so used to the consumer culture and the nanny state that they expect everything to be given to them on a plate. This is the same in the U.S.A., the U.K., Spain and I am sure in other nations too.
So parents, get tough with your kids. Punish them when they are disrespectful. Award them when they work hard. Teach them the value of money.
Kids buck up your ideas. Listen to your teachers, your parents and grandparents. Play hard but work hard too.
And Mr. Obama back up your words with actions. Change society so that the temptation to be lazy and think that the State will do everything for you is less appealing.
Here endeth the rant!
Buddy Moss - The Essential
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recopilatorio de unos de los máximos y y mejores exponentes del Piedmont
Blues, o Bl...
8 years ago